- Romer 6 Axis 7520 Absolute Arm, with report generation translators to, IGES / DXF / Step 203-214 / VAAF / XYZIJK and DES.
- Romer 7 Axis 7525 Absolute Arm, with report generation translators to, IGES / DXF / Step 203-214 / VAAF / XYZIJK and DES.
- Mitutoyo BH710-H 40”Y 28”X and 20”Z CMM.
- Trimos III 48” Vertical Height gauge.
- Sherr Tumico Optical Comparator.
- PQ Systems Gaugepack gauge tracking software.
- 1000+ Master Rings, Master Disks, Thread Plug and Tread Ring Gauges Calibrated and maintained to NIST Standards.
- GE USMC-GO Ultrasonic Testing Unit
- Parker Magnetic Particle Yoke and related NDT equipment.
- Mitutoyo Real Time SPC software and associated hardware.
- In House SNT-TC-IA Level II Certified PT, VT and MP testing capabilities with Level III consultant appointment.
- SimpleTrak software for monitoring of Quality Management System.
- TESTRESOURCES 313-47 Dual Column Universal test machine with tension and compression modes. Load Cell Web Shear rated 11,250 lb. (50Kn)